onsdag 9 november 2011

Reflections from the deeps of boredom

After a long night of nightmares, it was even more of a struggle than usual to get my bony ass out of bed. But love and behold, I succeded! Thus I find myself outside the chem classroom, waiting for our kick ass teacher to arrive and blogging to waste time.

On my way to school I saw a poster announcing that the In Flames guitarist Niclas Engelin will come here on the 16th of December to hold a clinic. I'm so going, unless it's just for High School students... In which case I'll pose as one and go anyway.

But yeah... Sitting here watching the younger ones of our species, I find myself so glad I'm not seventeen anymore. Yusch. Never again.

I'm trying to remember the point of this post, but... I guess there was none. Perhaps I'll remember during class. Anyhow, have a rockin' day, lads!


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