torsdag 24 november 2011

Teenage Dream

I think I have a crush on my Physics teacher.

I have not got a new teacher or anything: He's the same one I've had since the beginning of the term. He hasn't changed his hair, or his style of dress, or gotten contacts instead of glasses. But the other day, he was gonna demonstrate how to charge things up with electrons, and he touched my hair.

I'm sure it was unintentional. The comb he held was supposed to tear electrons from my hair and become negatively charged, which would be the reason that hair becomes electric.

Today I couldn't stop looking at him. The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, the look he gets on his face when he's trying to figure something out.

I'm so fucked.

Just love

onsdag 9 november 2011

Reflections from the deeps of boredom

After a long night of nightmares, it was even more of a struggle than usual to get my bony ass out of bed. But love and behold, I succeded! Thus I find myself outside the chem classroom, waiting for our kick ass teacher to arrive and blogging to waste time.

On my way to school I saw a poster announcing that the In Flames guitarist Niclas Engelin will come here on the 16th of December to hold a clinic. I'm so going, unless it's just for High School students... In which case I'll pose as one and go anyway.

But yeah... Sitting here watching the younger ones of our species, I find myself so glad I'm not seventeen anymore. Yusch. Never again.

I'm trying to remember the point of this post, but... I guess there was none. Perhaps I'll remember during class. Anyhow, have a rockin' day, lads!


söndag 6 november 2011

RIP, Hickstead

My heart is breaking for Eric Lamaze and his beloved Hickstead, who passed away during the WC in Verona today. It was a shock to see it on tv, and I can't imagine what those closest to Hickstead must be going through.

Rest in peace, Hickstead.